
The pace of modern technological development - from microelectronics to catalysts, to coatings - is driven by
fundamental breakthroughs in fabricating novel nano-structured materials. Such materials often promise unique or
enhanced physical characteristics, such as strong magnetisation or unusual reactivity. These characteristics will
derive from, but can also be compromised by, subtle, atomic-scale structural variations. In each case,
nano-resolved characterization is essential and full understanding of a material demands multiple state-of-the-art
experimental probes. The probes used in my research include beams of electrons, atoms, ions, and photons, as
well as physical devices such as the tip of an atomic force microscope. Each probe has its advantages and its
limitations and the best studies of nanostructured material combine the results from several probes in order to develop
a complete description.
A selection of my recent projects is given below. The uppermost projects derive from my time in Glasgow, whilst
some of those below are based on collaboration with colleagues in Cambridge, where more information can be found.
Whilst inert helium has many advantages as a probe of surface structure, it's inert, uncharged
character also causes problems for detection. In particular, there is no analogue of the fluorescent
screen often used in electron beam techniques (e.g. electron microscopy) and most helium
diffractometers use a modified mass spectrometer for beam detection. The first and limiting stage of
mass spectrometry is in ionising the uncharged helium, where efficiencies of 10 per million are typical
- i.e. for every million He atoms passing through a conventional detector, only around 10 are actually
In collaboration with Cambridge University's Department of Engineering we developed a prototype detector using
carbon nanotubes. This novel detector was based on a 'forest' of multi-walled CNTs grown onto a steel
substrate. The substrate was held at high positive voltage such that nearby gas species were 'field
ionised' within the extreme electric fields surrounding each nanotube tip. In theory, ionisation
efficiencies can be improved by several orders of magnitude with the technique. Results are illustrated
in the sketch above, which shows the ion current from a positively-biased CNT-coated sample in
ultra high vacuum and in the presence of helium gas. The prototype demonstrated the viability of our
novel approach and has attracted substantial interest worldwide. It was also highlighted by
the Institute of Physics' online news journal,
Publications: 7.