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PhD Opportunities 2018/19

All PhD positions have been filled for the current academic year but further opportunities may be available with my colleagues. Studentship opportunities are administered by the Glasgow Materials & Condensed Matter Physics group, a very active research group with a strong international reputation well and excellent funding through the funding councils, research councils and industry. Students of the group receive training in a number of high-performance electron microscopy and surface analytical techniques, using the world class equipment of the Kelvin Nanocharacterisation Centre, and are also enrolled in the Graduate School of the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance.

Doctoral students are liable for tuition fees in addition to subsistence costs and most students finance their studies via competitive scholarships, some of which are outlined here. The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) has a particularly prestigious scheme, with an application closing date around the end of January: more details can be found here.

Full details of the application process are available from the Graduate School of the College of Science and Engineering, although I would strongly encourage all potential applicants to make contact with me in advance of submitting a formal application.

A selection of previously-advertised projects is listed below.

Pulsed laser deposition of advanced oxide materials
PLD_Schematic As part of a major new investment, the Kelvin Nanocharacterisation Centre is installing a pulsed laser deposition system for the fabrication of a variety of thin film devices and coatings. The pulsed laser deposition technique is almost ideal for depositing the complex, multi-component materials now being proposed by theorists as being essential to the next generation of microelectronic devices. However, even atomic-scale defects, dislocations, impurities and strain can impair performance and the optimal fabrication conditions are simply unknown in most cases. This project will assist in the commissioning of the new deposition system and will characterise the nanometric structure of a variety of multi-component oxide materials for technological applications. A combination of electron diffraction, scanned probe microscopies and transmission electron microscopy will be used to characterise the samples and the student will gain highly-transferable skills in materials deposition and high resolution characterisation. The project will suit students with an interest in instrumentation and chemical physics and has the opportunity for collaboration with a number of national and international partners.
Development of dynamic, pump-probe electron microscopy techniques
JEOL ARM microscope Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) allows the direct imaging and characterisation of materials on length scales ranging from microns to nanometres, and with the advent of aberration corrected instruments, sub-Angstrom analysis is becoming routine. As a consequence, the TEM technique has become essential to nanotechnology, materials science and biosciences, providing both the structural and chemical information to understand samples ranging from microprocessor circuits to biological cells. In recent years, the phenomenal capabilites of TEM have been extended to the time domain and there is increasing interest in capturing dynamic events such as crystallisation, chemical reactions and microelectronic device operation in real time. This project will develop protocols for time-resolved TEM and is expected to be of high impact across several disciplines. It will use the world-leading facilities of the Kelvin Nanocharacterisation Centre, which are soon to be complemented by a multi-million pound installation of a new aberration corrected microscope, and may extend to use of the national synchrotron facility, Diamond, for ultra-fast nanoanalysis. The project will suit able students with an interest in instrumentation, interfacing and nanocharacterisation.
Development and characterisation of Resistive Random Access Memory
PLD_Schematic Resistive random access memory (Re-RAM) is a candidate 'storage-class' memory technology, capable of replacing both conventional random access memory (RAM) and hard disk drives (HDDs). It offers in a single, simple device the non-volatility and write-endurance of HDDs with the rapid access times of conventional RAM. Furthermore, Re-RAM has the potential for stacked, 3-dimensional architectures and intrinsic multi-state functionality, which together could truly revolutionise data storage densities. At its simplest, a Re-RAM element comprises two electrodes sandwiching an active component. Structural or chemical bistability in the active component causes large, hysteretic resistance changes that can be used to distinguish between at least two memory states. Unfortunately, little is known about the atomic-scale processes that underpin the bistability, which is a major barrier to commercialisation. This project will use state-of-the-art materials deposition and characterisation facilities to investigate the operation of ReRAM materials. The student will fabricate and study a number of prototype ReRAM devices, gaining world-class training in transmission electron microscopy, focused ion beam patterning, etc. It is a tremendously exciting opportunity in an extremely high impact area.

Copyright © 2010 D.A. MacLaren, Kelvin Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ
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